She loves you in springtime, when the orchard is white,
When the scent of the blossoms hangs heavy at night,
When the robins are nesting, resting from flight,
She loves you in springtime, when the orchard is white.
She loves you in summer, when they sit in the shade,
When they pack picnic baskets and drink lemonade,
When they go to the fair with things they have made,
She loves you in summer, when they sit in the shade.
She loves you in autumn, when the leaves have turned bright,
When the air has turned crisp and haze settled at night,
When milkweed pods open and send silk out of sight,
She loves you in autumn when the leaves have turned bright.
She loves you in winter, when the woodsmoke is curling,
When the pets do their dreaming and the pathway needs shoveling,
When a book is for reading and their bed is for loving,
She loves you in winter when the woodsmoke is curling.
She loves in winter, spring, summer, and fall,
When the sound of each season has its own call,
When the blossoms of spring turn to apples of fall,
She loves her darling, her dearest, her all.