"Wings I have that I will not fly."--This the Master told
when journeying through Magadha about the going out
of a Jungle Fire.
For once, when the Master was journeying through
Magadha, he begged his food in a certain village in that
land; and after he had returned from his rounds and
had finished his meal, he started forth again, attended by
the disciples. Just then a great fire arose in the jungle.
Many of the monks were in front, many of them behind.
And the fire came spreading on towards them, one mass of
smoke and flame. Some of the monks being unconverted
were terrified with the fear of death; and called out--
"Let's make a counter-fire, so that the conflagration
shall not spread beyond the space burnt out by that."
And taking out their fire-sticks they began to get a
But the others said, "Brethren, what is this you are
doing? 'Tis like failing to see the moon when it has
reached the topmost sky, or the sun as it rises with its
thousand rays from the eastern quarter of the world; 'tis
like people standing on the beachy shore and perceiving
not the ocean, or standing close to Sineru and seeing not
that mighty mountain, for you--when journeying along
in company with the greatest Being in earth or heaven--
to call out, 'Let us make a counter fire,' and to take no
notice of the supreme, the Buddha! You know not the
power of the Buddhas! Come, let us go to the Master!"
And they all crowded together from in front, and from
behind, and went up in a body near to the Mighty by
There the Master stopped, surrounded by the whole
body of disciples.
The jungle fire came on roaring as if to overwhelm
them. It came right up to the place where the Great
Mortal stood, and then--as it came within about sixteen
rods of that spot--it went out, like a torch thrust down
into water, leaving a space of about thirty-two rods in
breadth over which it could not pass!
Then the monks began to magnify the Teacher, saying;
"Oh! how marvelous are the qualities of the Buddhas!
The very fire, unconscious though it be, cannot pass over
the place where the Buddhas stand. Oh! how great is
the might of the Buddhas!"
On hearing this the Teacher said--
"It is not, monks, through any power I have now that
the fire goes out on reaching this plot of ground. It is
through the power of a former act of mine. And in all
this spot no fire will burn through the whole kalpa, for
that was a miracle enduring through a kalpa."
Then the venerable Ananda folded a robe in four, and
spread it as a seat for the Teacher. The Teacher seated
himself; and when he had settled himself cross-legged, the
body of disciples seated themselves reverently round him,
and requested him, saying--
"What has now occurred, Lord, is known to us.
The past is hidden from us. Make it known to us."
And the Teacher told the tale.
"Long ago the Bodhisattva entered upon a new existence as
a quail in this very spot, in the land of Magadha; and
after having been born in the egg, and having got out of
the shell, he became a young quail, in size like a big
partridge. And his parents made him lie still in the
nest, and fed him with food they brought in their beaks.
And he had no power either to stretch out his wings and
fly through the air, nor to put out his legs and walk on
the earth.
"Now that place was consumed year after year by a
jungle fire. And just at that time the jungle fire came
on with a mighty roar and seized upon it. The flocks of
birds rose up, each from his nest, and flew away shrieking.
And the Bodhisattva's parents too, terrified with the fear of
death, forsook the Bodhisattva, and fled.
"When the Bodhisattva, lying there as he was, stretched
forth his neck, and saw the conflagration spreading towards him, he thought: 'If I had the power of stretching
my wings and flying in the air, or of putting out my legs,
and walking on the ground, I could get away to some
other place. But I can't! And my parents too, terrified with the fear of death, have left me all alone, and
flown away to save themselves. No other help can I
expect from others, and in myself I find no help. What
in the world shall I do now!'
"But then it occurred to him, 'In this world there is
such a thing as the efficacy of virtue; there is such a
thing as the efficacy of truth. There are men known as
omniscient Buddhas, who become Buddhas when seated
under the Bo-tree through having fulfilled the Great
Virtues in the long ages of the past; who have gained
salvation by the wisdom arising from good deeds and
earnest thought, and have gained too the power of showing to others the knowledge of that salvation; who are
full of truth, and compassion, and mercy, and long-suffering; and whose hearts reach out in equal love to all
beings that have life. To me, too, the Truth is one, there
seems to be but one eternal and true Faith. It behoves
me, therefore--meditating on the Buddhas of the past
and on the attributes that they have gained, and relying
on the one true faith there is in me--to perform an Act of
Truth; and thus to drive back the fire, and procure
safety both for myself, and for the other birds.'
"Therefore it is said (in the Scriptures)--
"'There's power in virtue in the world--
"'Then thinking on the power of the Faith,
"Then the Bodhisattva called to mind the attributes of the
Buddhas who had long since passed away; and, making
a solemn asseveration of the true faith existing in himself,
he performed the Act of Truth, uttering the verse--
"'Wings I have that will not fly,
"Then before him and his Act of Truth the Element
went back a space of sixteen rods; but in receding it did
not return to consume the forest; it went out immediately it came to the spot, like a torch plunged into
"Therefore it is said--
"'For me and for my Act of Truth
"And as that spot has escaped being overwhelmed by
fire through all this kalpa, this is said to be 'a kalpa-enduring miracle.' The Bodhisattva having thus performed
the Act of Truth, passed away, at the end of his life,
according to his deeds."
When the Teacher had finished this discourse, in illustration of what he had said ("That this wood is not passed
over by the fire is not a result, O monks, of my present
power; but of the power of the Act of Truth I exercised as
a new-born quail"), he proclaimed the Truths. At the
conclusion of the Truths some were Converted, some
reached the Second Path, some the Third, some the Fourth.
And the Teacher made the connection, and summed up the
Jataka, "My parents at that time were my present parents,
but the King of the Quails was I myself."