"There is nothing worse than greed, they say"--This the
Master told when he was living at Jetavana about the
Elder named Tissa the younger, the keeper of the law
concerning food.
For when the Master, they are told, was residing at the
Bamboo-grove, near Rajagaha, a young man of a very
wealthy family of distinction, by name Prince Tissa,
went one day to the Bamboo-grove, and when he had
heard the Teacher's discourse, he became desirous to devote
himself to a religious life. And when, on his asking
leave to enter the Order, his parents refused their consent,
he compelled them to grant it, in the same manner as
Rattha-Pala had done, by refusing to eat for seven days.
And he then took the vows under the Master.
The Master remained at the Bamboo-grove about half a
month after receiving him into the Order, and then went
to Jetavana. There this young man of family passed his
life, begging his daily food in Savatthi, and observing all
the Thirteen Practices by which the passions are quelled.
So under the name of "The Young Tissa who keeps the
law concerning food," he became as distinguished and
famous in Buddhadom as the moon in the vault of
At that time they were holding festival in Rajagaha,
and the parents of the monk put away all the jewelry
which had belonged to him in the days of his laymanship
into a silver casket; and took the matter to heart, weeping,
and saying, "At other festivals our boy used to keep the
feast wearing this ornament or this. And now Gautama
the Mendicant has taken him, him our only son, away to
Savatthi! And we know not what fate is falling to him
Now a slave-girl coming to the house, and seeing the
wife of the lord weeping, asked her, "Why, Lady! do you
weep?" And she told her what had happened.
"Well, Lady, what dish was your son most fond of?"
said she.
"Such and such a one," was the reply.
"If you grant me full authority in this house, I will
bring your son back!" said she.
The Lady agreed, gave her wherewith to pay all her
expenses, and sent her forth with a great retinue, saying,
"Go now, and by your power bring back my son."
So the girl then went to Savatthi in a planakeen, and
took up her abode in the street in which the monk was wont
to beg. And without letting him see the people who had
come from the lord's house, but surrounding herself with
servants of her own, she from the very first provided the
Elder when he came there with food and drink. Having
thus bound him with the lust of taste, she in due course
got him to sit down in her house; and when she saw that
by giving him to eat she had brought him into her
power, she shammed sickness, and lay down in her inner
Then the monk, when his begging time had come,
arrived on his rounds at the door of the house. An
attendant took his bowl, and made him sit down in the
house. No sooner had he done so, than he asked, "How
is the lady devotee?"
"She is sick, reverend Sir, and wishes to see you," was
the reply. And he, bound by the lust of taste, broke his
observance and his vow, and went to the place where she
was lying. Then she told him why she had come, and
alluring him, so bound him by the lust of taste, that she
persuaded him to leave the Order. And having brought
him into her power, she seated him in her planakeen, and
returned to Rajagaha with all her retinue.
And this news became the common talk. And the
monks, assembled in the hall of instruction, began to say
one to another, "A slave-girl has brought back Young
Tissa, the keeper of the law concerning food, having
bound him with the lust of taste."
Then the Master, entering the chapel, sat down on his
throne, and said, "On what subject are you seated here
And they told him the news.
"Not now only, O mendicants!" said he, "has this
monk, caught by the lust of taste, fallen into her power;
formerly also he did the same." And he told a story.
"Once upon a time BRAHMADATTA, the king of Benares,
had a gardener named SANJAYA. Now a swift antelope
who had come to the garden took to flight as soon as it
saw Sanjaya. But Sanjaya did not frighten it away; and
when it had come again and again it began to walk about
in the garden. And day by day the gardener used to
pluck the various fruits and flowers in the garden, and
take them away to the king.
"Now one day the king asked him, 'I say, friend
gardener, is there anything strange in the garden so far
as you've noticed?'
"'I've noticed nothing, O king! save that an antelope
is in the habit of coming and wandering about there.
That I often see.'
"'But could you catch it?'
"'If I had a little honey, I could bring it right inside
the palace here!'
"The king gave him the honey; and he took it, went to
the garden, smeared it on the grass at the spot the antelope frequented, and hid himself. When the deer came,
and had eaten the honey-smeared grass, it was bound
with the lust of taste; and from that time went nowhere
else, but came exclusively to the garden. And as
the gardener saw that it was allured by the honey-smeared
grass, he in due course showed himself. For a few days
the antelope took to flight on seeing him. But after
seeing him again and again, it acquired confidence, and
gradually came to eat grass from the gardener's hand.
And when the gardener saw that its confidence was
gained, he strewed the path right up to the palace as
thick with branches as if he were covering it with mats,
hung a gourdful of honey over his shoulder, carried a
bundle of grass at his waist, and then kept sprinkling
honey-smeared grass in front of the antelope till he led
him within the palace.
"As soon as the deer had got inside, they shut the door.
The antelope, seeing men, began to tremble and quake
with the fear of death, and ran hither and thither about
the hall. The king came down from his upper chamber,
and seeing that trembling creature, said, 'Such is the
nature of an antelope, that it will not go for a week afterwards to a place where it has seen men, nor its life long
to a place where it has been frightened. Yet this one,
with just such a disposition, and accustomed only to the
jungle, has now, bound by the lust of taste, come to just
such a place. Verily there is nothing worse in the world
than this lust of taste!' And he summed up the lesson
in this stanza:
"'There's nothing worse than greed, they say,
"And when in other words he had shown the danger of
greed, he let the antelope go back to the forest."
When the Master had finished this discourse in illustration of what he had said ("Not now only O mendicants!
has this monk, caught by the lust of taste, fallen into her
power; formerly also he did the same"), he made the
connection, and summed up the Jataka as follows: "He
who was then Sanjaya was this slave-girl, the antelope
was the monk, but the king of Benares was I myself."