You frantically waved your arrows and bows,
You were dressed differently from your head to toe.
She looks into your eyes, you look into hers,
But a true understanding, they could not find.
As you talked, she carefully listened,
She saw the look on your faces, all eyes glisten.
Words so different, she tried to define,
But true understanding, they could not find.
Not sure of each other and what to expect,
During those moments they first met.
All scared stiff, like frozen in time,
But true understanding, they could not find.
She'd offer you things to taste and to touch,
Was there certainty? No, not much.
By day they'd share, by night they'd dine,
But true understanding, they could not find.
She taught you her language, you did the same,
You taught her every item, every place, every name.
During all this she saw the sign,
That true understanding, they finally did find.