The endless search for meaning engulfs his aching soul.
Life's delicate transitions bars his revered goal.
What is this Life he ponders? Why hide the answer true?
Are mysteries and illusions the blinds they can't see through?
How long it takes a tree to grow. How long it takes a flower.
The flash of lightening cross the sky and thunder roars with power.
A gull of flight above the sea, an eagle soars majestically.
Rains fall tranquil on the ground, a rainbow's formed romantically.
The glaring brightness of the sun, its rays of heat and light.
The glow of moonlight from darkened skies, the somber of the night.
The twinkling of starlit wonder, with dreams they hold and breathe.
The wonderment of all creation; is this what they believe?
The search of Life and Meaning is surrounding them in love.
The beauty of this world, from earth and skies above.
Can't you see the beauty, the meaning and the sign?
A Creator so specific. He's speaking of Love, Divine.