He knows two ladies you'll never want to meet,
They're the "cat ladies" of Centre Street!
They have cats here, and cats there,
They have cats almost everywhere!
Cleanliness is a virtue, but not to these two,
The baths they have taken are entirely too few!
They dress in clothing that's been sprayed by each pet,
An odor more foul has never been met!
Each day that he sees these ladies, he prays to Love above,
Please help their cats find homes where they will find love!
For most cats are creatures that are excessively clean,
For these ladies to their cats are being excessively mean!
Please Lord also help them to find,
A place to put these ladies that will give peace of mind!
Help them to know that there is help from them all,
Preferably before the end of this fall!
They care for their welfare, and that of each pet,
They're an example of a situation they've never before met!
Please Lord hear their prayer, and give them some release,
In a way that will give them all some inner peace!