Face to face, man against man
You can do whatever he can.
Pull the trigger and face the gun
What good would it do to turn and run?

Toe to toe, foe to foe
This is a war which they all know.
You're not gonna live, you're on the front lines
Have you ever been put in such a great bind?

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
You know for the course, this is a must.
You stand up and run, charge straight ahead
You thought of retreat, but rather die instead.

Breath against breath, beat after beat
You'll always be remembered as one of the elite.
As you take your last breath you look up and cry
To see your whole regiment rushing on by.

Nothing could stop the charge that day
No tank, no gun, no man, no one.
Yes, war is foolish but don't ask why
Just always remember that first brave G.I.