"The earth-born tree."--This the Master told when at
Jetavana, about a monk whose hut was burned.
A certain monk, says the tradition, received from the
Teacher a subject for meditation, and leaving Jetavana,
took up his abode in a dwelling in a forest near a border
village, belonging to the people of Kosala.
Now in the very first month his hut was burned down;
and he told the people, saying, "My hut is burnt down,
and I live in discomfort."
"Our fields are all dried up now," said they; "we
must first irrigate the lands." When they were well
muddy, "We must sow the seed," said they. When the
seed was sown, "We must put up the fences," was the
excuse. When the fences were up, they declared, "There
will be cutting, and reaping, and treading-out to do."
And thus, telling first of one thing to be done and then
of another, they let three months slip by.
The monk passed the three months in discomfort in the
open air, and concluded his meditation, but could not
bring the rest of his religious exercise to completion. So
when Lent was over he returned to the Teacher, and
saluting him, took his seat respectfully on one side.
The Teacher bade him welcome, and then asked him,
"Well, brother, have you spent Lent in comfort? Have
you brought your meditation to its conclusion?"
He told him what had happened, and said, "As I had
no suitable lodging, I did not fully complete the meditation."
"Formerly, monk," said the Teacher, "even animals
were aware what was suitable for them, and what was
not. Why did not you know it?"
And he told a tale.
"Long ago, when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares,
the Bodhisattva came to life again as a bird, and lived a forest
life, attended by a flock of birds, near a lofty tree, with
branches forking out on every side.
"Now one day dust began to fall as the branches of the
tree rubbed one against another. Then smoke began to
rise. The Bodhisattva thought, on seeing this,--
"'If these two branches go on rubbing like that they
will send out sparks of fire, and the fire will fall down
and seize on the withered leaves; and the tree itself will
soon after be consumed. We can't stop here; we ought
to get away at once to some other place.' And he addressed the flock in this verse:
"'The earth-born tree, on which
"Then such of the birds as were wise, and hearkened to
the voice of the Bodhisattva, flew up at once with him into
the air, and went elsewhere. But such as were foolish
said one to another, 'Just so! Just so! He's always
seeing crocodiles in a drop of water!' And paying no
attention to what he said, they stopped there.
"And not long afterwards fire was produced precisely in
the way the Bodhisattva had foreseen, and the tree caught
fire. And smoke and flames rising aloft, the birds were
blinded by the smoke; they could not get away, and one
after another they fell into the fire, and were burnt to
When the Teacher had finished this discourse with the
words, "Thus formerly, monk, even the birds dwelling
on the tree-tops knew which place would suit them and
which would not. How is it that you knew it not?"
he proclaimed the Truths. At the conclusion of the
Truths the monk was established in Conversion. And the
Teacher made the connection, and summed up the Jataka,
"The birds who at that time listened to the voice of the
Bodhisattva were the followers of the Buddha, but the Wise
Bird was I myself."