The endless magnitude of the ethereal landscapes of silence,
Whiter than white,
Ensiles the eerie echoes of Cosmic song and dance...
Nexus, synchronicity...
Myriads of constellations of stars, nebulae, galaxies
Spiral, branching out in all directions, oozing
Down the darkest of dark ocean floor, to the tiniest grain of sand...
O the murmur of Water in the cradle of the Sea
When She goes on rocking and rolling Her bosom with the tides,
Ceaselessly chanting Her dulcet lullaby
To the Spirit of the Soil...
"Do remember, She whispers, the ghost of the Great Master, and
His Law that defies silence: As above, so below"...
Do remember, She says,
At the Heart of every atom of every grain of sand,
Myriads of constellations of stars, nebulae, galaxies
Are lying dormant...An infinity of Love,
Virginal, unveiled,
Waiting to be discovered....