"He saw the marks of feet"--This the Teacher told
about the Nala-canes, when he was living at the Ketaka
wood, hard by the Lake of Nalakapana, after he had
come to the village of that name on his tour through
At that time the monks, after they had bathed in the
Nalakapana lake, had the canes of the Nala-plant brought
to them by the novices, for needle-cases. And finding
them hollow throughout, they went to the Teacher, and
asked him, "Lord! we had Nala-canes brought for
needle-cases. They are hollow throughout, from root to
point. How is this?"
"This, mendicants," said he, "is a former command of
mine." And he told a tale.
"This was formerly, they say, a densely-wooded forest.
And in its lake there was a water-demon, who used to eat
whomsoever went down into the water. At that time the
Bodhisattva was a monkey-king, in size like the fawn of a red
deer; and attended by a troop of monkeys about eighty
thousand in number, he lived in that forest, preserving
them from harm.
"Now he exhorted the troop of monkeys, saying, 'My
children! in this forest there are poisonous trees, and
pools haunted by demons. When you are going to eat
fruits of any kind you have not eaten before, or to drink
water you have not drunk before, ask me about it.'
"'Very well,' said they. And one day they went to a
place they had not been to before. There they wandered
about the greater part of the day; and when, in searching
about for water, they found a pond, they sat down without even drinking, and looked forward to the arrival of
their king.
"When the Bodhisattva had come, he asked them, 'Why,
my children, do you take no water?'
"'We awaited your arrival,' said they.
"'It is well, my children!' said the Bodhisattva; and
fixing his attention on the foot-marks close round the edge
of the pond, he saw that they went down, but never came
up. Then he knew that it was assuredly haunted by
demons, and said, 'You have done well, my children, not
to have drunk the water. This pond is haunted!'
"But when the demon of the water saw that they were
not going down into it, he assumed the horrible shape of
a blue-bellied, pale-faced, red-handed, red-footed creature,
and came splashing out through the water, and cried out,
'Why do you sit still here? Go down and drink the
"But the Bodhisattva asked him, 'Are you the water-demon
who haunts this spot?'
"'Yes! I am he!' was the reply.
"'Have you received power over all who go down into
the pool?'
"'Yes, indeed! I carry off even a bird when it comes
down, and I let no one off. You too I will devour, one
and all!'
"'We shall not allow you to eat us.'
"'Well, then! drink away!'
"'Yes! we shall drink the water too, but we shall not
fall into your hands.'
"'How, then, will you get at the water?'
"'You imagine, I suppose, that we must go down to
drink. But you are wrong! Each one of us eighty
thousand shall take a Nala-cane and drink the water of
your pond without ever entering it, as easily as one would
drink from the hollow stem of a water-plant. And so you
will have no power to eat us!'
"It was when the Teacher as Buddha had recalled this
circumstance that he uttered the first half of the following
"'I saw the marks of feet that had gone down,
"(But then he said to the monkeys)--
"'We'll drink the water through a reed,'
"(And turning to the demon, he added)--
"'And yet I'll not become your prey!'
"So saying, the Bodhisattva had a Nala-cane brought to him,
and appealing in great solemnity to the Ten Great
Perfections (generosity, morality, self-denial, wisdom,
perseverance, patience, truth, resolution, kindness, and
resignation) exercised by him in this and previous births,
he blew into the cane. And the cane became hollow
throughout, not a single knot being left in it. In this
manner he had another, and then another, brought, and
blew into it. Then the Bodhisattva walked round the pond,
and commanded, saying, 'Let all the canes growing here
be perforated throughout.' And thenceforward, since
through the greatness of the goodness of the Bodhisattvas
their commands are fulfilled, all the canes which grew
in that pond became perforated throughout.
"There are four miracles in this Kalpa (the period which
elapses between the commencement of the formation of
the world and its final destruction) which endure throughout a Kalpa--the sign of the hare in the moon will last
the whole Kalpa: the place where the fire was extinguished in the Quail-birth will not take fire again
through all the Kalpa: the place where the potter lived
will remain arid through all the Kalpa: the canes growing round this pond will be hollow through all the Kalpa.
These four are called the Kalpa-lasting Wonders.
"After giving this command, the Bodhisattva took a cane
and seated himself. So, too, those eighty thousand monkeys took, each of them, a cane, and seated themselves
round the pond. And at the same moment as he drew
the water up into his cane and drank, so, too, they all sat
safe on the bank, and drank.
"Thus the water-demon got not one of them into his
power on their drinking the water, and he returned in
sorrow to his own place. But the Bodhisattva and his troop
went back again to the forest."
When the Teacher, having finished this discourse in
illustration of his words ("The hollowness of these canes,
mendicants, is a former command of mine"), he made the
connection, and summed up the Jataka, saying: "He who
was then the water-demon was Devadatta; the eighty-thousand monkeys were the Buddha's retinue; but the
monkey king, clever in resource, was I myself."