"Pleasant is your cry."--This the Master told when at
Jetavana, about the luxurious monk. The occasion is as
above in the Story on True Divinity.
The Teacher asked him, "Is this true, O monk, what
they say, that you are luxurious?"
"It is true, Lord," said he.
"How is it you have become luxurious?" began the
But without waiting to hear more, he flew into a rage,
tore off his robe and his lower garment, and calling out,
"Then I'll go about in this way!" stood there naked
before the Teacher!
The bystanders exclaimed, "Shame! shame!" and he
ran off, and returned to the lower state (of a layman).
When the monks were assembled in the Lecture Hall,
they began talking of his misconduct. "To think that
one should behave so in the very presence of the Master!"
The Teacher then came up, and asked them what they
were talking about, as they sat there together.
"Lord! we were talking of the misconduct of that
monk, who, in your presence, and in the midst of the
disciples, stood there as naked as a village child, without
caring one bit; and when the bystanders cried shame
upon him, returned to the lower state, and lost the
Then said the Teacher, "Not only, O monks, has this
brother now lost the jewel of the faith by immodesty; in
a former birth he lost a jewel of a wife from the same
cause." And he told a tale.
"Long ago, in the first age of the world, the quadrupeds
chose the Lion as their king, the fishes the Leviathan, and
the birds the Golden Goose.
"Now the royal Golden Goose had a daughter, a young
goose most beautiful to see; and he gave her her choice
of a husband. And she chose the one she liked the best.
"For, having given her the right to choose, he called
together all the birds in the Himalaya region. And
crowds of geese, and peacocks, and other birds of various
kinds, met together on a great flat piece of rock.
"The king sent for his daughter, saying, 'Come and
choose the husband you like best!'
"On looking over the assembly of the birds, she caught
sight of the peacock, with a neck as bright as gems, and
a many-colored tail; and she made the choice with the
words, 'Let this one be my husband!'
"So the assembly of the birds went up to the peacock,
and said, 'Friend Peacock! this king's daughter having
to choose her husband from amongst so many birds, has
fixed her choice upon you!'
"'Up to to-day you would not see my greatness,' said
the peacock, so overflowing with delight that in breach of
all modesty he began to spread his wings and dance in
the midst of the vast assembly,--and in dancing he exposed
"Then the royal Golden Goose was shocked!
"And he said, 'This fellow has neither modesty in his
heart, nor decency in his outward behavior! I shall
not give my daughter to him. He has broken loose from
all sense of shame!' And he uttered this verse to all the
"'Pleasant is your cry, brilliant is your back.
"Then the king in the midst of the whole assembly bestowed his daughter on a young goose, his nephew. And
the peacock was covered with shame at not getting the
fair gosling, and rose straight up from the place and
flew away.
"But the king of the Golden Geese went back to the
place where he dwelt."
When the Teacher had finished this lesson in virtue, in
illustration of what he had said ("Not only, monks, has
this brother now lost the jewel of the faith by immodesty,
formerly also he lost a jewel of a wife by the same cause"),
he made the connection, and summed up the Jataka, by
saying, "The peacock of that time was the luxurious
monk, but the King of the Geese was I myself."