Love never put a rib in a woman any finer,
To the people who knew her, no one was kinder.
She was a friend to both young and old,
Her problems were always put on hold.
She loved her family as no other,
She cherished the fact, she was her mother.
Her pleasures came from the faces of children,
She saw nothing but good in their splendor.
Even though she gave birth to ten of her own,
Many more considered her house their home.
On long winter nights when she grew colder,
She went to each child's bed and added cover.
As she grew older and time took its toll,
The death of her son went straight to her soul.
When she asked Love for guidance and strength to go on,
He knew the answer was to take her on home.
She is now among angels, as well she should be,
For if anyone discovers Heaven, it's their Mama Lee.