"'Tis not the heat, 'tis not the cold"--This the Master
told when at Jetavana, about being tempted back by one's
former wife.
For on that occasion the Master asked the monk, "Is it
true, then, that you are love-sick?"
"It is true, Lord!" was the reply.
"What has made you sad?"
"Sweet is the touch of the hand. Lord! of her who was
formerly my wife. I cannot forsake her!"
Then the Master said, "O Brother! this woman does
you harm. In a former birth also you were just being
killed through her when I came up and saved you." And
he told a tale.
"Once upon a time, when Brahmadatta was reigning in
Benares, the Bodhisattva became his private chaplain.
"At that time certain fishermen were casting their nets
into the river. Now a big fish came swimming along
playing lustily with his wife. She still in front of him
smelt the smell of a net, and made a circuit, and escaped
it. But the greedy amorous fish went right into the
mouth of the net.
"When the fishermen felt his coming in they pulled up
the net, seized the fish, and threw it alive on the sand,
and began to prepare a fire and a spit, intending to cook
and eat it.
"Then the fish lamented, saying to himself;
"'The heat of the fire would not hurt me, nor the torture
of the spit, nor any other pain of that sort; but that my
wife should sorrow over me, thinking I must have deserted
her for another, that is indeed a dire affliction!'
"And he uttered this stanza--
"''Tis not the heat, 'tis not the cold,
"Now just then the chaplain came down, attended by his
slaves, to bathe at the ford. And he understood the
language of all animals. So on hearing the fish's lament,
he thought to himself:
"'This fish is lamenting the lament of sin. Should he
die in this unhealthy state of mind, he will assuredly be
reborn in hell. I will save him.'
"And he went to the fishermen, and said--
"'My good men! don't you furnish a fish for us every
day for our curry?'
"'What is this you are saying, sir?' answered the
fishermen. 'Take away any fish you like!'
"'We want no other: only give us this one.'
"'Take it, then, sir.'
"The Bodhisattva took it up in his hands, seated himself at
the river-side, and said to it, 'My good fish! Had I not
caught sight of you this day, you would have lost your
life. Now henceforth sin no more!'
"And so exhorting it, he threw it into the water, and
returned to the city."
When the Teacher had finished this discourse, he proclaimed the Truths. At the end of the Truths the depressed monk was established in the fruit of conversion.
Then the Teacher made the connection, and summed up
the Jataka: "She who at that time was the female fish
was the former wife, the fish was the depressed monk, but
the chaplain was I myself."