"The advantage is to the good."--This the Master told
while at the Bamboo-grove near Rajagaha, about Devadatta. For on one occasion, when Devadatta asked for
the Five Rules, and could not get what he wanted, he
made a schism in the Order, and taking four hundred of
the mendicants with him, went and dwelt at the rock
called Gaya-Sisa.
Afterwards the minds of these mendicants became open
to conviction. And the Master, knowing it, said to his
two chief disciples, "Sariputta! those five hundred pupils
of yours adopted the heresy of Devadatta, and went away
with him, but now their minds have become open to conviction. Do you go there with a number of the brethren,
and preach to them, and instruct them in the Fruits of
the Path of Holiness, and bring them back with you!"
They went, and preached to them, and instructed them
in the Fruits, and the next day at dawn returned to the
Bamboo Grove, bringing those mendicants with them.
And as Sariputta on his return was standing by, after
paying his respects to the Blessed One, the mendicants
exalted him, saying to the Blessed One, "Lord! how
excellent appears our elder brother, the Minister of
Righteousness, returning with five hundred disciples as his
retinue, whereas Devadatta is now without any followers
at all!"
"Not only now, O mendicants! has Sariputta come in
glory, surrounded by the assembly of his brethren;
in a former birth, also, he did the same. And not now
only has Devadatta been deprived of his following; in
a former birth also he was the same."
The monks requested the Blessed One to explain how
that was. Then the Blessed One made manifest a thing
hidden by the interval of existence.
"Long ago, in the city Rajagaha, in the land of Magadha,
there ruled a certain king of Magadha. At that time the
Bodhisattva came to life as a deer, and when he grew up he
lived in the forest at the head of a herd of a thousand
deer. He had two young ones, named Lakkhana (the
Beautifully-marked One, 'Beauty') and Kala (the Dark
One, 'Brownie').
"When he had become old, he called them, and said,
'My beloved! I am old. Do you now lead the herd
about.' And he placed five hundred of the deer under
the charge of each of his sons.
"Now in the land of Magadha at crop time, when the
corn is ripening in the fields, there is danger brewing for
the deer in the adjoining forest. Some in one place, and
some in another, the sons of men dig pit-falls, fix stakes,
set traps with stones in them, and lay snares to kill the
creatures that would eat the crops. And many are the
deer that come to destruction.
"So when the Bodhisattva saw that crop time was at hand,
he sent for his sons, and said, 'My children! the time
of growing crops has come; many deer will come to
destruction. We are old, and will get along by some
means or another without stirring much abroad. But do
you lead your herds away to the mountainous part of the
forest, and return when the crops are cut!'
"'Very well,' said they; and departed with their
attendant herds.
"Now the men who live on the route they have to follow
know quite well, 'At such and such a time the deer are
wont to come up into the mountains; at such and such
a time they will come down again.' And lurking here
and there in ambush, they wound and kill many deer.
"But Brownie, in his dullness, knew not that there were
times when he ought to travel and times when he ought
not; and he led his herd of deer early and late alike--
at dawn, or in evening twilight--past the village gates.
The men in different places--some in the open, some in
ambush--destroyed, as usual, a number of the deer. So
he, by his stupidity, brought many of his herd to destruction, and re-entered the forest with diminished numbers.
"Beauty, on the other hand, was learned and clever,
and fertile in resource; and he knew when to go on, and
when to stay. He approached no village gates; he
traveled not by day, nor even at dawn or by evening
twilight; but he traveled at midnight, and so he readied
the forest without losing a single animal.
"There they stayed four months; and when the crops
were cut they came down from the mountain-side.
Brownie, going back as he had come, brought the rest of
the herd to destruction, and arrived alone. But Beauty,
without losing even one of his herd, came up to his parent
attended by all the five hundred of his deer.
"And when the Bodhisattva saw his sons approaching, he
held a consultation with the herd of deer, and put together
this stanza,--
"'The righteous man hath profit, and the courteous in
"When he had thus welcomed his son, the Bodhisattva lived
to a good old age, and passed away according to his
Thus the Master gave them this lesson in virtue in illustration of what he had said, "Not only now, mendicants! has Sariputta come in glory, surrounded by the assembly
of his brethren; in a former birth, also, he did the same.
And not now only has Devadatta been deprived of his
following; in a former birth also he was the same." And
he united the two stories, and made the connection, and
summed up the Jataka as follows: "Then 'Brownie'
was Devadatta, and his attendants Devadatta's attendants. 'Beauty' was Sariputta, and his attendants the
followers of the Buddha. The mother was the mother of
Rahula, but the father was I myself."