"The Kurunga knows full well"--This the teacher
told while at Jetavana about Devadatta.
For once when the monks had assembled in the lecture
hall, they sat talking of Devadatta's wickedness, saying,
"Brother Devadatta has suborned archers, and hurled
down a rock, and sent forth Dhanapalaka the elephant;
in every possible way he goes about to slay the Sage."
The Teacher came, and sat down on the seat reserved
for him, and asked, "What is it, then, Mendicants, you
are sitting here talking about?"
"Lord! we were talking about the wickedness of
Devadatta in going about to slay you."
The Teacher answered, "Not now only, O mendicants,
has Devadatta gone about to slay me; formerly, too, he
did the same, and was unsuccessful in his endeavor."
And he told a tale.
"Once upon a time, when Brahmadatta was reigning in
Benares, the Bodhisattva became A KURUNGA ANTELOPE and
lived in his forest home, feeding on fruits. And at one
time he was eating the Sepanni fruit on a heavily-laden
"Now, a deerstalker of that village used to note the
tracks of the deer at the foot of the fruit-trees, build himself a platform on the tree above, and seating himself there,
wound with a javelin the deer who came to eat the fruit,
and make a living by selling their flesh.
"On seeing, one day, the foot-marks of the Bodhisattva at the
foot of the Sepanni-tree, he made himself a platform
upon it, and having breakfasted early, he took his javelin
with him, went to the wood, climbed up the tree, and took
his seat on the platform.
"The Bodhisattva, too, left his lair early in the morning, and
came up to eat the Sepanni-fruits; but without going too
hastily to the foot of the tree, he thought to himself
'Those platform-hunters sometimes make their platforms
on the trees. I wonder can there be any danger of that
kind.' And he stopped at a distance to reconnoiter.
"But the hunter, when he saw that the Bodhisattva was not
coming on, kept himself quiet, and threw down fruit so
that it fell in front of him.
"The Bodhisattva said to himself, 'Why, these fruits are
coming this way, and falling before me. There must be
a hunter up there!' And looking up again and again, he
discerned the hunter. Then pretending not to have seen
him, he called out, 'Hallo, O tree! You have been wont
to let your fruit fall straight down, as if you were putting
forth a hanging root: but to-day you have given up
your tree-nature. So as you have surrendered the characteristics of tree-nature, I shall go and seek my food at
the foot of some other tree.' So saying, he uttered this
"'The Kurunga knows full well, Sepanni,
"Then the hunter, seated as he was on the platform, hurled
his javelin at him, calling out, 'Away with you! I've lost
you this time!'
"The Bodhisattva turned round, and stopped to cry out, 'I
tell you, O man, however much you may have lost me this
time, the eight Great Hells and the sixteen Ussada Hells,
and fivefold bondage and torment--the result of your
conduct--these you have not lost!' And so saying, he
escaped whither he desired. And the hunter, too, got
down, and went whithersoever he pleased."
When the Teacher had finished this discourse in illustration of what he had said ("Not now only, O mendicants, does Devadatta go about to slay me; formerly, also,
he did the same"), he made the connection, and summed
up the Jataka as follows: "He who was then the hunter
was Devadatta, but the Kurunga Antelope was I myself."