[The Introductory Story is the same as that of the
Indriya Jataka in Book Eight.]
"Long ago a king of Magadha was reigning in Rajagaha,
in the country of Magadha. At the season of harvest the
deer suffered much at the hands of the people of Magadha.
So they were wont to go away to the forest at the foot of
the mountains.
"Now a certain mountain stag, who lived in that jungle,
made friends with a roe from the inhabited country.
And when those deer came down from the mountainside
to return home, he, being caught in the snares of love,
went down with them.
"Then she said to him, 'You, Sir, are but a simple
deer of the mountains, and the inhabited country is
beset with danger and difficulty. Pray don't go down
with us!'
"But he, being fallen deep into love for her, would not
turn back, and went along with her.
"Now when the people of Magadha saw that the time
was come for the deer to return from the hills, they used
to lie waiting in ambush all along the road. And just
where those two were coming on, there stood a certain
hunter behind a thicket.
"The young roe smelt the smell of a man, and immediately thought, 'There'll be some hunter behind there.'
And she let the foolish stag go on first, and kept back
herself. The hunter with one shot from his bow felled the
stag there on the spot; but the roe, as soon as she saw
he was hit, fled away like the wind.
"Then the hunter came out of his ambush, skinned that
deer, made a fire, cooked the sweet flesh in the glowing
charcoal, ate and drank, and carried off the rest all dropping with blood and gore, and went home to give his
children a treat.
"Now the Bodhisattva of that time was a tree fairy, dwelling
in that wood. When he saw what had happened, he said
to himself,
"'Not through father, not through mother, but through
lust, has this poor fool of a deer come to his death. In
the dawn of passion creatures think themselves in bliss,
but they end in losing their limbs in misery, or tasting
the grief of all kinds of bonds and blows. What more
shameful in this world than that which brings sorrow and
death to others? What more despicable than the country
where women administer and teach, a land under harem
rule? What more wretched than the men who give
themselves up to women's control?' And then, whilst all
the fairies of the wood cast bouquets before him and cheered
him on, he brought the three rebukes into one verse, and
made the whole wood ring as he uttered the stanza--
"'O dreadful barbed dart of love, that tears men's hearts!
When the Master had taught them this story, he proclaimed the Four Truths. And at the conclusion thereof
that love-sick monk was converted. And the Master made
the connection, and summed up the Jataka by saying,
"The mountain-deer of that time was the love-sick
brother, the roe was his former wife, and the tree fairy,
who preached the sermon showing the evil of passion, was
I myself."