Is it too much to ask for a little time;
Time to meditate on life's precious gifts,
To hug a baby, pinch a cheek
Roller skate, ride a bike
Giggle at a monkey, pet a dog
Take a trip, read a book
Touch her love, be caressed
Meditate on a work of art, appreciate a piece by Mozart
Is it too much to ask for a little time;
Time to catch a second breath to
Receive a pat on the back for a job well done
Someone to listen when she needs a friend
Taken to a movie, wined and dined
A day at the mall, give a friend a call
Watch a sunrise, awed by a sunset
Smell some roses, count the stars
Catch a glimpse of a shy smile, bake a cake for a small child
It's not enough to dream and fantasize,
All those gifts are hers the moment she
Realizes--the price is too great to let
These treasures vaporize.