Darling, today she wants to share with you what is on her heart
She has felt this way from the start.
Her heart says, "I will go there with you."
Wherever your "there" is she will go there too.
If there is a burden to bear,
She will be there.
When you hurt she will feel your pain.
When you succeed she will feel your gain.
If you have a mountain to climb,
She will go with you and they will do just fine.
If it is your heart that needs mending,
She will be there to do the tending.
She will be here for you with her life and her heart.
Loving only you, even though at times they may be apart.
As the years go on they will share their hearts with one another,
And she will be reminded of this promise that she has made to you and to no other.
Her heart says, "I will go there with you."
Wherever your "there" is she will go there too.
If there is a burden to bear,
She will be there.