Morning air lingers on the tree...
Leaves poised as sails, to catch the breeze.
Ground fog stirs, with cattle lowing.
Porch dog stands, with nostrils blowing.
Summer days begin: humid...hot
All creatures snared in cauldron's plot.
Gauzy nightgowns cling on wet skin.
Night's purple veins course, black-blue thin.
Steamy droplets, trickle...hair curls,
Morning Glory blossom unfurls.
Early risers wish upon stars,
As wildflowers caress fence bars.
Petulant red sun burns away
Last fragments of blinding fog's grey.
Leaving the sultry, stagnant air...
Old timers complain and compare.
Heavy lies the rain in dark clouds...
Frightful, billowing, blackened shrouds.
Lightening flashes, with thunder's roll.
Envelops, as if to console.