Does anybody know she's here?
Does anybody care?
Somebody must remember her.
Somebody, somewhere!
She's been shackled in a bamboo cage
For many, many years.
No one to share her anguish and pain,
Or wipe away her tears.
She left her family, friends and home
To answer her country's call.
Now the only thing she is today
Is a name upon a wall.
Her brothers they would come for her
If they only could
At least that's what she used to think,
She was sure they would!
She's done all that she could do
To keep her faith alive.
Now her hope is all but gone.
She's just trying to survive.
Her children, do you remember her,
Or think of her at all?
Or is she just some stranger,
Or an old picture on the wall?
The pain and suffering she's endured
No one will ever see.
She knows she'll die here in this hell
With no one to mourn for her.
She's starved and gaunt and hollow-
No one to care if she lived
Or died!
Does anybody know she's here?
Does anybody care?
Somebody must remember her.
Somebody, somewhere!