In Honor of Her Uncle and Grandpa

Preceded by a black line, that's clutching hands and cloth.
Listening to cries, and remembering happy thoughts.
Everyone feels alone, yet they're all related
To the known, who seems a stranger.

Once lively, now motionless, he looks nothing like they remember.
Wearing garments never seen before, with a foreign expression on his face.
She cries out loud, but he can't hear her.
She touches his hand, yet he doesn't respond.
She doesn't understand how he can be here yet gone.

She sits and thinks of their past, 'til she must get up.
They follow him out the door and down the road.
It's their last journey, until she's gone.
When they arrive at his site, he gets out first.
They all follow him, to his resting place.

On the way to town she sat in a trance.
Then she realized he wasn't coming back.
There could be no more talks or fishing trips.
He lived long, but the time went fast.
Time is still racing by, and she must catch on before it's gone,
And put others before her.