"The wise, far-seeing man"--This discourse the
Blessed One uttered, while at Jivaka's Mango-grove near
Rajagaha, concerning the Elder whose name was Roadling
the Younger.
Now here it ought to be explained how Roadling the
Younger came to be born. The daughter of a wealthy
house in Rajagaha, they say, had contracted an intimacy
with a slave, and being afraid that people would find out
what she had done, she said to him, "We can't stay here.
If my parents discover this wrongdoing, they will tear us
in pieces. Let us go to some far-off country, and dwell
there." So, taking the few things they had, they went
out privately together to go and dwell in some place, it
did not matter where, where they would not be known.
And settling in a certain place, they lived together
there, and she conceived. And when she was far gone
with child, she consulted with her husband, saying, "I
am far gone with child; and it will be hard for both of
us if the confinement were to take place where I have no
friends and relations. Let us go home again!"
But he let the days slip by, saying all the while, "Let
us go to-day; let us go to-morrow."
Then she thought, "This silly fellow dares not go
home because his offence has been so great. But parents
are, after all, true friends. Whether he goes or not, it
will be better for me to go."
So, as soon as he had gone out, she set her house in
order, and telling her nearest neighbors that she was
going to her own home, she started on her way. The
man returned to the house; and when he could not find
her, and learned on inquiry from the neighbors that she
had gone home, he followed her quickly, and came up to
her halfway on the road. There the pains of labor had
just seized her. And he accosted her, saying, "Wife,
what is this?"
"Husband, I have given birth to a son," replied she.
"What shall we do now?" said he.
"The very thing we were going home for has happened
on the road. What's the use of going there? Let us
So saying, they both agreed to stop. And as the child
was born on the road, they called him Roadling. Now
not long after she conceived again, and all took place as
before; and as that child too was born on the road, they
called the firstborn Great Roadling, and the second Little
Roadling. And taking the two babies with them, they
went back to the place where they were living.
And whilst they were living there this child of the
road heard other children talking about uncles, and
grandfathers, and grandmothers; and he asked his
mother, saying, "Mother, the other boys talk of their
uncles, and grandfathers, and grandmothers. Have we
no relations?"
"Certainly, my dear! You have no relations here,
but you have a grandfather, a rich gentleman, at Rajagaha; and there you have plenty of relations."
"Then why don't we go there, mother?" said he.
Then she told him the reason of their not going. But
when the children spoke to her again and again about
it, she said to her husband, "These children are continually troubling me. Can our parents kill us and eat
us when they see us? Come, let us make the boys acquainted with their relatives on the grandfather's side."
"Well, I myself daren't meet them face to face, but I
will take you there."
"Very well, then; any way you like: the children
ought to be made acquainted with their grandfather's
So they two took the children, and in due course
arrived at Rajagaha, and put up at a chowltrie (a public
resting-place) at the gate of the town. And the mother,
taking the two boys, let her parents know of her arrival.
When they heard the message, they sent her back word
to the following effect: "To be without sons and daughters
is an unheard-of thing among ordinary people; but these
two have sinned so deeply against us, that they cannot
stand in our sight. Let them take such and such a sum,
and go and dwell wherever they two may like. But the
children they may send here." And their daughter took
the money her parents sent, and handing over her
children to the messengers, let them go.
And the children grew up in their grandfather's house.
Little Roadling was much the younger of the two, but
Great Roadling used to go with his grandfather to hear
the Buddha preach; and by constantly hearing the Truth
from the mouth of the Teacher himself, his mind turned
towards renunciation of the world. And he said to his
grandfather, "If you would allow it, I should enter the
"What are you saying, my child?" answered the old
man. "Of all persons in the world I would rather have
you enter the Order. Become a monk by all means, if
you feel yourself able to do so." So, granting his request,
he took him to the Teacher.
The Teacher said, "What, Sir, have you then a son?"
"Yes, my Lord, this lad is my grandson, and he wants
to take the vows under you."
The Teacher called a monk, and told him to ordain the
lad: and the monk, repeating to him the formula of
meditation on the perishable nature of the human body,
received him as a novice into the Order. After he had
learnt by heart much scripture, and had reached the full
age required, he was received into full membership; and
applying himself to earnest thought, he attained the state
of an Arhat. And whilst he was thus himself enjoying
the delight which arises from wise and holy thoughts, and
wise and holy life, he considered whether he could not
procure the same bliss for Little Roadling.
So he went to his grandfather, and said: "If, noble
Sir, you will grant me your consent, I will receive Little
Roadling into the Order!"
"Ordain him, reverend Sir," was the reply. The Elder
accordingly initiated Little Roadling, and taught him to
live in accordance with the Ten Commandments. But
though he had reached the noviciate. Little Roadling was
dull, and in four months he could not get by heart even
this one verse--
"As a sweet-smelling Kokanada lily
For long ago, they are told, in the time of Kassapa the
Buddha, he had been a monk, who, having acquired
learning himself, had laughed to scorn a dull brother as
he was learning a recitation. That brother was so overwhelmed with confusion by his contempt, that he could
neither commit to memory, nor recite the passage. In
consequence of this conduct he now, though initiated,
became dull; he forgot each line he learnt as soon as he
learnt the next; and whilst he was trying to learn this
one verse four months had passed away.
Then his elder brother said to him: "Roadling, you
are not fit for this discipline. In four months you have
not been able to learn a single stanza, how can you hope
to reach the utmost aim of those who have given up the
world? Go away, out of the monastery!" And he
expelled him. But Little Roadling, out of love for the
religion of the Buddhas, did not care for a layman's life.
Now at that time it was the elder Roadling's duty to
regulate the distribution of food to the monks. And the
nobleman Jivaka brought many sweet-scented flowers,
and going to his Mango-grove presented them to the
Teacher, and listened to the discourse. Then, rising
from his seat, he saluted the Buddha, and going up to
Great Roadling, asked him, "How many brethren are
there with the Teacher?"
"About five hundred," was the reply.
"Will the Buddha and the five hundred brethren come
and take their morning meal to-morrow at our house?"
"One called Little Roadling, disciple, is dull, and
makes no progress in the faith; but I accept the invitation for all excepting him."
Little Roadling overheard this, and thought, "Though
accepting for so many monks, the Elder accepts in such
a manner as to leave me out. Surely my brother's love
for me has been broken. What's the good of this discipline to me now? I must become a layman, and give
alms, and do such good deeds as laymen can." And early
the next day he went away, saying he would re-enter
the world.
Now the Teacher, very early in the morning, when he
surveyed the world, became aware of this matter. And
going out before him, he remained walking up and down
by the gateway on the road along which Little Roadling
would have to pass. And Little Roadling, as he left the
house, saw the Teacher, and going up to him, paid him
reverence. Then the Teacher said to him, "How now,
Little Roadling! whither are you going at this time in
the morning?"
"Lord! my brother has expelled me, so I am going
away to wander again in the ways of the world!"
"Little Roadling! It was under me that your profession of religion took place. When your brother expelled you, why did you not come to me? What will a
layman's life advantage you? You may stay with me!"
And he took Little Roadling, and seated him in front
of his own apartment, and gave him a piece of very white
cloth, created for the purpose, and said, "Now, Little
Roadling, stay here, sitting with your face to the East,
and rub this cloth up and down, repeating to yourself
the words, 'The removal of impurity! The removal of
impurity!'" And so saying he went, when time was
called, to Jivaka's house, and sat down on the seat prepared for him.
But Little Roadling did as he was desired: and as he
did so, the cloth became soiled, and he thought, "This
piece of cloth was just now exceeding white; and now,
through me, it has lost its former condition, and is become
soiled. Changeable indeed are all component things!"
And he felt the reality of decay and death, and the eyes
of his mind were opened!
Then the Teacher, knowing that the eyes of his mind
were opened, sent forth a glorious vision of himself, which
appeared as if sitting before him in visible form, and
saying, "Little Roadling! be not troubled at the thought
that this cloth has become so soiled and stained. Within
thee, too, are the stains of lust and care and sin; but
these thou must remove!" And the vision uttered these
"It is not dust, but lust, that really is the stain:
"It is not dust, but anger, that really is the stain:
"It is not dust, but delusion, that really is the stain:
And as the stanzas were finished. Little Roadling attained
to Arhatship, and with it to the intellectual gifts of an
Arhat; and by them he understood all the Scriptures.
Long ago, they are told, he had been a king, who, as he
was once going round the city, and the sweat trickled
down from his forehead, wiped the top of his forehead
with his pure white robe. When the robe became dirty,
he thought, "By this body the pure white robe has lost
its former condition, and has become soiled. Changeable
indeed are all component things!" And so he realized
the doctrine of impermanency. It was on this account
that the incident of the transfer of impurity brought
about his conversion.
But to return to their story. Jivaka, the nobleman,
brought to the Buddha the so-called water of presentation.
The Teacher covered the vessel with his hand, and said,
"Are there no monks in the monastery, Jivaka?"
"Nay, my Lord, there are no monks there," said
Great Roadling.
"But there are, Jivaka," said the Master.
Jivaka then sent a man, saying, "Do you go, then, and
find out whether there are any monks or not at the
At that moment Little Roadling thought, "My brother
says there are no monks here; I will show him there
are." And he filled the Mango-grove with priests--a
thousand monks, each unlike the other--some making
robes, some repairing them, and some repeating the
The man, seeing all these monks at the monastery,
went back, and told Jivaka, "Sir, the whole Mango-grove
is alive with monks."
It was with reference to this that it is said of him,
"Roadling, multiplying himself a thousand fold.
Sate in the pleasant Mango-grove till he was bidden
to the feast."
Then the Teacher told the messenger to go again, and
say, "The Teacher sends for him who is called Little
So he went and said so. But from a thousand monks
the answer came, "I am Little Roadling! I am Little
The man returned, and said, "Why, Sir, they all say
they are called Little Roadling!"
"Then go and take by the hand the first who says 'I
am Little Roadling,' and the rest will disappear."
And he did so. And the others disappeared, and the
Elder returned with the messenger.
And the Teacher, when the meal was over, addressed
Jivaka, and said, "Jivaka, take Little Roadling's bowl;
he will pronounce the benediction." And he did so. And
the Elder, as fearlessly as a young lion utters his challenge, compressed into a short benedictive discourse the
spirit of all the Scriptures.
Then the Teacher rose from his seat and returned
to the Wihara (monastery), accompanied by the body
of mendicants. And when the monks had completed
their daily duties, the Blessed One arose, and standing
at the door of his apartment, discoursed to them, propounding a subject of meditation. He then dismissed
the assembly, entered his fragrant chamber, and lay down
to rest.
In the evening the monks collected from different
places in the hall of instruction, and began uttering the
Teacher's praises,--thus surrounding themselves as it were
with a curtain of sweet kamala flowers! "Brethren, his
elder brother knew not the capacity of Little Roadling, and
expelled him as a dullard because in four months he could
not learn that one stanza; but the Buddha, by his unrivaled mastery over the Truth, gave him Arhatship,
with the intellectual powers thereof, in the space of a
single meal, and by those powers he understood all the
Scriptures! Ah! how great is the power of the
And the Blessed One, knowing that this conversation
had arisen in the hall, determined to go there; and rising
from his couch, he put on his orange-colored under
garment, girded himself with his belt as it were with
lightning, gathered round him his wide flowing robe red
as kamala flowers, issued from his fragrant chamber, and
proceeded to the hall with that surpassing grace of motion
peculiar to the Buddhas, like the majestic tread of a
mighty elephant in the time of his pride. And ascending
the magnificent throne made ready for the Buddha in
the midst of the splendid hall, he seated himself in the
midst of the throne emitting those six-colored rays
peculiar to the Buddhas, like the young sun when it
rises over the mountains on the horizon, and illumines
the ocean depths!
As soon as the Buddha came in, the assembly of the
mendicants stopped their talking and were silent. The
Teacher looked mildly and kindly round him, and thought,
"This assembly is most seemly; not a hand nor foot stirs,
no sound of coughing or sneezing can be heard! If I
were to sit here my life long without speaking, not one
of all these men--awed by the majesty and blinded by
the glory of a Buddha--would venture to speak first. It
behoves me to begin the conversation, and I myself will
be the first to speak!" And with sweet angelic voice he
addressed the brethren: "What is the subject for which
you have seated yourselves together here, and what is the
talk among you that has been interrupted?"
"Lord! we are not sitting in this place to talk of any
worldly thing: it is thy praises we are telling!" And
they told him the subject of their talk. When he heard
it the Teacher said, "Mendicants! Little Roadling has
now through me become great in religion; now formerly
through me he became great in riches."
The monks asked the Buddha to explain how this was.
Then the Blessed One made manifest that which had
been hidden by change of birth.
"Long ago when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares,
in the land of Kasi, the Bodhisattva was born in a treasurer's
family; and when he grew up he received the post of
treasurer, and was called Chullaka. And he was wise
and skillful, and understood all omens. One day as he
was going to attend upon the king he saw a dead mouse
lying on the road; and considering the state of the
stars at the time, he said, 'A young fellow with eyes
in his head might, by picking this thing up, start a trade
and support a wife.'
"Now a certain young man of good birth, then fallen
into poverty, heard what the official said, and thinking,
'This is a man who wouldn't say such a thing without
good reason,' took the mouse, and gave it away in a certain
shop for the use of the cat, and got a farthing for it.
"With the farthing he bought molasses, and took water
in a pot. And seeing garland-makers returning from the
forest, he gave them bits of molasses, with water by the
ladle-full. They gave him each a bunch of flowers; and
the next day, with the price of the flowers, he bought
more molasses; and taking a potful of water, went to the
flower garden. That day the garland-makers gave him,
as they went away, flowering shrubs from which half the
blossoms had been picked. In this way in a little time
he gained eight pennies.
"Some time after, on a rainy windy day, a quantity of
dry sticks and branches and leaves were blown down by
the wind in the king's garden, and the gardener saw no
way of getting rid of them. The young man went and
said to the gardener, 'If you will give me these sticks
and leaves, I will get them out of the way.' The gardener agreed to this, and told him to take them.
"Chullaka's pupil went to the children's playground,
and by giving them molasses had all the leaves and
sticks collected in a twinkling, and placed in a heap at
the garden gate. Just then the king's potter was looking
out for firewood to burn pots for the royal household,
and seeing this heap he bought it from him. That day
Chullaka's pupil got by selling his firewood sixteen pennies
and five vessels--water-pots, and such-like.
"Having thus obtained possession of twenty-four pennies,
he thought, 'This will be a good scheme for me,' and
went to a place not far from the city gate, and placing
there a pot of water, supplied five hundred grass-cutters
with drink.
"'Friend! you have been of great service to us,' said
they. 'What shall we do for you?'
"'You shall do me a good turn when need arises,' said
he. And then, going about this way and that, he struck
up a friendship with a trader by land and a trader by
"And the trader by land told him, 'To-morrow a horse-dealer is coming to the town with five hundred horses.'
"On hearing this, he said to the grass-cutters, 'Give
me to-day, each of you, a bundle of grass, and don't sell
your own grass till I have disposed of mine.'
"'All right!' cried they in assent, and brought five
hundred bundles, and placed them in his house. The
horse-dealer, not being able to get grass for his horses
through all the city, bought the young man's grass for a
thousand pence.
"A few days afterwards his friend the trader by sea
told him that a large vessel had come to the port. He
thinking, 'This will be a good plan,' got for eight
pennies a carriage that was for hire, with all its proper
attendants; and driving to the port with a great show
of respectability, gave his seal-ring as a deposit for the
ship's cargo. Then he had a tent pitched not far off,
and taking his seat gave orders to his men that when
merchants came from outside he should be informed of
it with triple ceremony.
"On hearing that a ship had arrived, about a hundred
merchants came from Benares to buy the goods.
"They were told, 'You can't have the goods: a great
merchant of such and such a place has already paid
deposit for them.'
"On hearing this, they went to him; and his footmen
announced their arrival, as had been agreed upon--
three deep. Each of the merchants then gave him a
thousand to become shareholders in the ship, and then
another thousand for him to relinquish his remaining
share: and thus they made themselves owners of the
"So Chullaka's pupil returned to Benares, taking with
him two hundred thousand. And from a feeling of
gratitude, he took a hundred thousand and went to
Chullaka the treasurer. Then the treasurer asked him,
'What have you been doing, my good man, to get all
this wealth?'
"'It was by adhering to what you said that I have
acquired it within four months,' said he: and told him
the whole story, beginning with the dead mouse.
"And when Chullaka the high treasurer heard his tale,
he thought, 'It will never do to let such a lad as this
get into any one else's hands.' So he gave him his
grown-up daughter in marriage, and made him heir to
all the family estates. And when the treasurer died, he
received the post of city treasurer. But the Bodhisattva
passed away according to his deeds."
It was when the Buddha had finished his discourse that
he, as Buddha, uttered the following verse:
"'As one might nurse a tiny flame,
It was thus the Blessed One made plain what he had
said, "Mendicants! Little Roadling has now through me
become great in religion; but formerly through me he
became great in riches."
When he had thus given this lesson, and told the
double story, he made the connection, and summed up
the Jataka by concluding, "He who was then Chullaka's
pupil was Little Roadling, but Chullaka the high treasurer was I myself."