In the beginning there was darkness...and the void yielded the mighty
Hand of Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar who shaped India in His palm...and
Cast the bundle of beauty and splendor into the blackness...thus forming the
Universe...and so it happened this way...

From the mystical land...tall waterfalls spilled to create oceans
And fragrant soil yielding luscious fruits and sweet smelling
Flowers...gentle monsoon rains fell to create glorious rainbows leaping from
Continent to was made from the wondrous sounds of birds
Singing...and lizards screeching and snakes hissing...majestic creatures two by
Two ran freely in peace and love...all multiplied in harmony and perfection...

But the items...the radiant abundance of stars...were scooped up by the
Great hand of Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar who smiled down upon His
Palm overflowing with twinkling lights...and gently blew as if tiny particles of
Creating the heavens as they knew them...planets...moons...sun...galaxies...

And so this is how it happened to be...that from India's birth...
The universe was formed...thank you Chandrasekhar...