As she sits in the morning dew
She prays to Love, she thanks him for
All she has and what she hasn't got,
She tells him she loves him and how
She does believe, and how he leads
Her to all she achieves, he guides
Her through days both thick and
Thin, and then she turns and asks
Again, Dearest Lord in the heaven
Above tell her what is beyond
The Beautiful sunrise?
But when she waits for a
Reply, all she sees is how he guided
Her life. So don't bother to
Ask again, why should she
Worry? She just listens to
The wind and hears.
She'll help you no matter
What and through these
Days she'll guide, but worry not
What's beyond just stay
Here by her side so she worries
Not what's over there she listened
To the wind and in the next
Morning, she goes out to pray again.