"Would you he saved"--This the Teacher told while
at Jetavana, about making offerings under a vow to the
At that time, they are told, men about to go on a trading
journey used to kill animals, and lay an offering before
the gods, and make a vow, saying, "When we have returned in safety and success, we will make an offering to
you," and so depart. Then when they returned safe and
successful, thinking, "This has happened by the power of
the God, they killed animals, and made the offering to
release themselves from the vow."
On seeing this, the mendicants asked the Blessed One,
"Lord! is there now any advantage in this?" And he
told a tale.
"Once upon a time, in the land of Kasi, a landed proprietor in a certain village promised an offering to the
Genius of a Banyan-tree standing by the gate of the
village. And when he had returned safely, he slew a
number of animals; and saying to himself, 'I will make
myself free from my vow,' he went to the foot of the
"But the tree-god, standing in a fork of the tree, uttered
this stanza:
"'Would you be free, you first must die!
"Thenceforward men refrained from such life-destroying
deeds, and living a life of righteousness filled the city of
the gods."
The Teacher, having finished this discourse, made the
connection, and summed up the Jataka: "I at that time
was the Genius of the Tree."