She looked through a window for a time today
While on a journey to a place far away.

And it stopped for a while to tarry and rest
At a quaint little place in the heart of the west.

In an old log cabin at the edge of the woods
Where stumps of cotton-wood once had stood.

An open hearth held kettle of iron
Where metal were cooked once upon a time.

The old spinning wheel told a story of its own
As it stood in a corner of what once was a home.

There were steps leading up to the loft above
And it spoke of a family where they lived and loved.

"A Historical Landmark" read the sign on the door
As it paid tribute to the days of yore.

She's glad she chose to come this way
And stop for awhile in her busy day.

She'll not soon forget her precious find
Of a window looking back on the age of time.