Grandpa is a cockeyed, potlickin' man,
Who'd rather be working at shearing a lamb,
Than sit and lounge around all day,
Until the stars come out and play.
And his stories, every one is true,
As long as they're told by him, not you.
Sometimes his cussin' tears the sky apart,
But he loves his family with all his heart.
Nothing's been born that he couldn't straddle,
With or without a proper saddle.
He'll ride through any kind of weather,
As so late that anyone ought to know better.
He'll ride through the orchard to pick a peach,
Then stop to talk or hear somebody's speech.
He'll stop the car to help anyone,
Even if they look like an onery son.
Though he says his worth is very small
That's not how he sizes it up at all.
He's known for his honesty and integrity throughout
And his helpfulness is something they all know about.
And so on his birthday they'd just like to say
Though they cuss at you, they love you anyway.