In the Division of Thirty Stanzas of the Book of the Stanzas of the Nuns, the stanzas beginning with the words To Jivaka's charming Mango Grove are the stanzas of the nun Subha, of Jivaka's Mango Grove.
She also, having made her Earnest Wish under previous Buddhas, developed Capacity for Sainthood and accumulated Merit in this state of existence and in that, and in due course having stimulated the Roots of Merit, having perfected the Conditions of Deliverance, with Knowledge fully ripe, was reborn in the dispensation of this present Buddha at Rajagaha in the household of a wealthy Brahman.
Subha, or Beauty, was her name. Endowed with beauty, they say, were the members of her body. Therefore, appropriately enough, she was given the name Subha, or Beauty.
When the Teacher entered Rajagaha, she received the gift of faith and became a lay disciple. Later on, terrified by the Round of Existences, seeing in the Pleasures of Sense danger, perceiving in Renunciation of the Pleasures of Sense security, she retired from the world and became a nun under Malm Pajapati Gotami, and performing the business of Insight, in but a few days became established in the Fruit of the Third Path.
Now one day a certain resident of Rajagaha, an unprincipled fellow, young, in the prime of youth, saw her going to Jivaka's Mango Grove for her noonday siesta. Seeing her, he fell in love with her, and barring the way, invited her to enjoy the pleasures of sense. She preached the Doctrine to him, in divers ways making known the folly of the pleasures of sense, and her own determination to renounce the same. But even after hearing her discourse on the Doctrine, he would not leave her, but continued to importune her.
The nun, seeing that he paid no attention to what she said, and observing that he was fascinated with her eye, said: "Here is your eye! take it!" So saying, she plucked out one of her own eyes and handed it to him. Thereat that man was affrighted and terrified; for that nun his passion abated. Begging her to pardon him, he went his way. The nun went to the Teacher. The moment she looked upon him, her eye was restored to its former state. Thereat, as she stood there, her whole body was suffused with Joy in the Buddha.
The Teacher, knowing the course of her thoughts, preached the Doctrine to her; and that she might attain the Highest Path, assigned to her a Subject of Meditation. Suppressing Joy, she immediately developed Insight and attained Sainthood together with the Analytical Powers. And having attained Sainthood, she dwelt in the Bliss of the Fruit thereof, in the Bliss of Nirvana. And surveying her own Attainment, by way of Solemn Utterance, she recited the following stanzas, previously uttered by her in conversation with that unprincipled fellow:
To Jivaka's charming Mango Grove went the nun Subha.
An unprincipled fellow barred the way. To him spoke Subha:
"What wrong have I done thee that thou standest barring me the
"Following the revered religion of my Teacher,
"Stained are thy thoughts;
"Thou art young; thou art not bad-looking.
"Altogether sweet breathe the trees,
"Flowering to their very tips, the trees
"The great wood is a solitude, a place of horrors,
"A very golden image, dost thou go about;
"With joy would I submit to thy will
"If thou wilt do as I ask, thou shalt be happy.
"Put on soft garments of Benares cloth,
"Thy couch is new, spread with cotton mattresses
"And, like a lotus flower uplifted from the water,
"What meaning for thee has this body,
"Like the eyes of a deer are thine eyes,
"O thou that dost resemble the crown of a lotus!
"However far away thou be, I shall remember thee,
"Thou dost seek to walk where no path is,
"For neither in the world of men nor in the Worlds of Gods
"For me lust is like a poison-bowl, once highly prized,
"If there be a woman that hath not well considered,
"For I am ever mindful, both in honor and in dishonor,
"I that stand here am a disciple of the Happy One;
"For what I see is a gaudily painted doll,
"Remove the cords and pegs;
"Precisely so do these wretched bodies of ours appear to me;
"Not as I have looked upon a little picture
"Thou dost run after a phantom, as it were,
"Like a ball lodged in the hollow of a tree,
Straightway that maiden so fair to see,
Straightway his passion abated;
"Thou hast shattered me,--and such a man am I!
Then, free, that nun went to the Buddha,