Once upon a time the Exalted One was in residence among the Vajjians, at Ukkacela, on the bank of the Ganges river. At that time the Exalted One addressed the monks: "Monks!" "Reverend Sir!" said those monks to the Exalted One in reply. The Exalted One said this:
"In olden times a Magadha herdsman, a stupid sort of fellow, in the last of the months of the rains, in the autumn time, without examining the near bank of the Ganges river, without examining the far bank of the Ganges river, without so much as finding a ford, drove his cattle across to the farther bank, to the territory of the Suvidehas. Now when the cattle reached the middle of the stream of the Ganges river, they formed in a circle, and then and there met destruction and death.
"What was the cause of this?
"It was because that Magadha herdsman, a stupid sort of fellow, in the last of the months of the rains, in the autumn time, without examining the near bank of the Ganges river, without examining the far bank of the Ganges river, without so much as finding a ford, drove his cattle across to the farther bank, to the territory of the Suvidehas.
"Precisely so is it with those monks and Brahmans who know not this world, who know not the next world, who know not the realm of Mara, who know not what is not the realm of Mara, who know not the realm of Death, who know not what is not the realm of Death,--those who shall decide that they ought to listen to them, that they ought to put their trust in them,--it will be to their disadvantage and sorrow for a long time to come.
"In olden times a Magadha herdsman, an intelligent kind of man, in the last of the months of the rains, in the autumn time, having examined the near bank of the Ganges river, having examined the far bank of the Ganges river, having first found a ford, drove his cattle across to the farther bank, to the territory of the Suvidehas.
"He first drove across the bulls, the fathers of the cattle, the leaders of the cattle. They, crossing, cleft the stream of the Ganges and went in safety to the far bank. He then drove across the powerful cattle, the steers. They, crossing, cleft the stream of the Ganges and went in safety to the far bank. He then drove across the larger calves, the larger heifers. They, crossing, cleft the stream of the Ganges and went in safety to the far bank. He then drove across the little calves, the weaklings. They, crossing, cleft the stream of the Ganges and went in safety to the far bank.
"In that olden time there was a wee bit of a calf, a youngling, that very moment born, guided by the lowing of his mother. He also, crossing, cleft the stream of the Ganges and went in safety to the far bank.
"What was the cause of this?
"It was because that Magadha herdsman, an intelligent kind of man, in the last of the months of the rains, in the autumn time, having examined the near bank of the Ganges river, having examined the far bank of the Ganges river, having first found a ford, drove his cattle across to the farther bank, to the territory of the Suvidehas.
"Precisely so is it with those monks and Brahmans who know this world, who know the next world, who know the realm of Mara, who know what is not the realm of Mara, who know the realm of Death, who know what is not the realm of Death,--those who shall decide that they ought to listen to them, that they ought to put their trust in them,--it will be to their welfare and happiness for a long time to come.
"Just as those bulls, the fathers of the cattle, the leaders of the cattle, crossing, cleft the stream of the Ganges and went in safety to the far bank, so also those monks who are Saints, who have rid themselves of the Contaminations, who have completed residence, who have done what was to be done, who have laid down their burden, who have achieved the welfare they desired, who have burst the Bonds, who have attained Deliverance through Right Knowledge,--so also these latter, crossing, have cleft the Stream of Mara and gone in safety to the Far Bank.
"Just as those powerful cattle, the steers, crossing, cleft the stream of the Ganges and went in safety to the far bank, so also those monks who, by the destruction of the Five Bonds which cause rebirth in the Worlds of the Pleasures of Sense, have obtained rebirth without the intervention of parents in a heavenly world, there have attained Supreme Nirvana, from that world are destined to return no more,--so also these latter, crossing, will cleave the Stream of Mara and go in safety to the Far Bank.
"Just as those larger calves, those larger heifers, crossing, cleft the stream of the Ganges and went in safety to the far bank, so also those monks who, by the destruction of the Three Bonds, by the thinning of Lust, Ill-will, Delusion, destined to return but once, returning but once to this world, will make an end of suffering,--so also these latter, crossing, will cleave the Stream of Mara and go in safety to the Far Bank.
"Just as those little calves, the weaklings, crossing, cleft the stream of the Ganges and went in safety to the far bank, so also those monks who, by the destruction of the Three Bonds, have attained the Fruit of Conversion, who are not destined to the States of Suffering, who are assured of Salvation, who will at last attain Complete Enlightenment,--so also these latter, crossing, will cleave the Stream of Mara and go in safety to the Far Bank.
"Just as that wee bit of a calf, that youngling, at that very moment born, guided by the lowing of his mother, crossing, cleft the stream of the Ganges and went in safety to the far bank, so also those monks who walk in conformity with the Doctrine, who walk in conformity with the Faith,--so also these latter, crossing, will cleave the Stream of Mara and go in safety to the Far Bank.
"But, monks, I am he that knoweth this world; I am he that knoweth the next world. I am he that knoweth the realm of Mara; I am he that knoweth what is not the realm of Mara. I am he that knoweth the realm of Death; I am he that knoweth what is not the realm of Death. They that shall resolve to hearken to Me, to put their trust in Me,--it will be to their welfare and happiness for a long time to come."