Now at that time a certain monk was bitten by a snake and died. They reported that fact to the Exalted One.
"Assuredly, monks, that monk had not suffused the four royal families of snakes with friendly thoughts. For, monks, if that monk had suffused the four royal families of snakes with friendly thoughts, in that case, monks, that monk would not have been bitten by a snake and died.
"What are the four royal families of snakes?
"Assuredly, monks, that monk had not suffused the four royal families of snakes with friendly thoughts. For, monks, if that monk had suffused the four royal families of snakes with friendly thoughts, in that case, monks, that monk would not have been bitten by a snake and died.
"I permit you, monks, to suffuse these four royal families of snakes with friendly thoughts; for self-preservation, for self-defense, to effect Protection of Self. And this, monks, may be effected in the following way:
"There is friendship 'twixt me and Virupakkha snakes,
"There is friendship 'twixt me and living beings without feet,
"Let no living being without feet injure me!
"Let all creatures that live,--let all creatures that breathe,--
"Infinite is the Buddha! Infinite is the Doctrine! Infinite is the Order!
"Finite are creeping things,--snakes and scorpions, centipedes, spiders and lizards, rats and mice!
"I have wrought defense for myself! I have wrought protection for myself!
"Begone, living beings!
"I here do homage to the Exalted One and to the Seven Supreme Buddhas!"