Once upon a time the Exalted One was in residence at Veranja, at Nalerupucimandamula. Now Paharada king of Asuras approached the Exalted One, and having approached, saluted the Exalted One and stood aside. And as Paharada king of Asuras stood aside, the Exalted One said this to him: "But, Paharada, do the Asuras delight in the Great Ocean?" "Reverend Sir, the Asuras do delight in the Great Ocean." "But, Paharada, how many are the wonderful and marvelous properties possessed by the Great Ocean, perceiving which the Asuras delight in the Great Ocean?" "Eight in number, Reverend Sir, are the wonderful and marvelous properties possessed by the Great Ocean, perceiving which the Asuras delight in the Great Ocean. What are the Eight?
"The Great Ocean, Reverend Sir, lowers gradually, slopes gradually, hollows gradually, and there is no steep declivity. Inasmuch, Reverend Sir, as the Great Ocean lowers gradually, slopes gradually, hollows gradually, and inasmuch as there is no steep declivity, this, Reverend Sir, is the first wonderful and marvelous property possessed by the Great Ocean, perceiving which the Asuras delight in the Great Ocean.
"But again further, Reverend Sir, the Great Ocean ever abides steadfast and never overpasses its bounds. This is the second property.
"But again further, Reverend Sir, the Great Ocean will not brook association with a dead body. If there be a dead body in the Great Ocean, quickly enough does the Great Ocean wash that dead body up on the shore, cast it up on dry land. This is the third property.
"But again further, Reverend Sir, all the Great Rivers, to wit, Ganga, Yamuna, Aciravati, Sarabhu, Mahi, on reaching the Great Ocean, renounce their former personal and family names, and are called 'The Great Ocean.' This is the fourth property.
"But again further, Reverend Sir, although all the streams that are in the world flow into the Great Ocean, and all the showers that are in the atmosphere fall into it, not therefore does the Great Ocean appear to be either diminished or replenished. This is the fifth property.
"But again further, Reverend Sir, the Great Ocean has but one taste, the taste of salt. This is the sixth property.
"But again further, Reverend Sir, the Great Ocean contains many jewels, numerous jewels; therein are these jewels, to wit: pearls, gems, lapis lazuli, conch, rock, coral, silver, gold, rubies, cat's eye. This is the seventh property.
"But again further, Reverend Sir, the Great Ocean is the abode of mighty beings; therein dwell the following beings: Timitimingalas, Timiramingalas, Asuras, Nagas, Gandhabbas; there are in the Great Ocean monsters a hundred leagues in measure, monsters two hundred leagues in measure, monsters three hundred leagues in measure, monsters four hundred leagues in measure, monsters five hundred leagues in measure. Inasmuch, Reverend Sir, as the Great Ocean is the abode of mighty beings; inasmuch as therein dwell the following beings: Timitimingalas, Timiramingalas, Asuras, Nagas, Gandhabbas; inasmuch as there are in the Great Ocean monsters a hundred leagues in measure, monsters two hundred leagues in measure, monsters three hundred leagues in measure, monsters four hundred leagues in measure, monsters five hundred leagues in measure, this, Reverend Sir, is the eighth wonderful and marvelous property possessed by the Great Ocean, perceiving which the Asuras delight in the Great Ocean.
"These, Reverend Sir, are the eight wonderful and marvelous properties possessed by the Great Ocean, perceiving which the Asuras delight in the Great Ocean."
"But, Reverend Sir, do the monks delight in this Doctrine and Discipline?"
"Paharada, the monks do delight in this Doctrine and Discipline."
"But, Reverend Sir, how many are the wonderful and marvelous properties possessed by this Doctrine and Discipline, perceiving which the monks delight in this Doctrine and Discipline?"
"Eight in number, Paharada, are the wonderful and marvelous properties possessed by this Doctrine and Discipline, perceiving which the monks delight in this Doctrine and Discipline. What are the Eight?
"Just as the Great Ocean lowers gradually, slopes gradually, hollows gradually, and there is no steep declivity, so also in this the training is graduated, the labor is graduated, the Path is graduated, and there is no sudden attainment of Knowledge. Inasmuch as in this Doctrine and Discipline the training is graduated, the labor is graduated, the Path is graduated, and there is no sudden attainment of Knowledge, this is the first wonderful and marvelous property possessed by this Doctrine and Discipline, perceiving which the monks delight in this Doctrine and Discipline.
"Just as the Great Ocean ever abides steadfast and never overpasses its bounds, so also my disciples, on their lives, do not transgress the body of precepts which I have enjoined upon them. This is the second property.
"Just as the Great Ocean will not brook association with a dead body, but, if there be a dead body in the Great Ocean, the Great Ocean quickly enough washes that dead body up on the shore, casts it up on dry land, so also, if there be an individual who is immoral, of bad character, of impure and doubtful conduct, of hidden deeds,--not really a monk, although he may have taken the monastic vows,--not really chaste, although he may have taken the vow of chastity,--foul within, lustful,--a worthless fellow, the Order will not brook association with him, but quickly enough assembles and casts him out. And even if that monk be seated in the midst of the Order of Monks, yet, for all that, he is far indeed from the Order, and the Order from him. This is the third property.
"Just as all the Great Rivers, to wit, Ganga, Yamuna, Aciravati, Sarabhu, Main, on reaching the Great Ocean, renounce their former personal and family names, and are called 'The Great Ocean,' so also these four castes, to wit, Khattiyas, Brahmanas, Vessas, Suddas, on going forth from the house-life to the houseless life under the Doctrine and Discipline proclaimed by the Tathagata, renounce their former personal and family names, and are called 'Sons of the Sakya Prince.' This is the fourth property.
"Just as, although all the streams that are in the world flow into the Great Ocean, and all the showers that are in the atmosphere fall into it, not therefore does the Great Ocean appear to be either diminished or replenished, so also, although many monks pass to Supreme Nirvana, to that form of Nirvana in which no traces of the Elements of Being remain, not therefore does that form of Nirvana in which no traces of the Elements of Being remain appear to be either diminished or replenished. This is the fifth property.
"Just as the Great Ocean has but one taste, the taste of salt, so also this Doctrine and Discipline has but one taste, the taste of Deliverance. This is the sixth property.
"Just as the Great Ocean contains many jewels, numerous jewels; just as therein are these jewels, to wit: pearls, gems, lapis lazuli, conch, rock, coral, silver, gold, rubies, cat's eye, so also this Doctrine and Discipline contains many jewels, numerous jewels; therein are these jewels, to wit: the Four Intent Contemplations, the Four Right Exertions, the Four Means of Attaining Magical Power, the Five Moral Senses, the Five Powers, the Seven Requisites for Attaining Supreme Knowledge, the Noble Eightfold Path. This is the seventh property.
"Just as the Great Ocean is the abode of mighty beings; just as therein dwell the following beings: Timitimigalas, Timiramingalas, Asuras, Nagas, Gandhabbas; just as there are in the Great Ocean monsters a hundred leagues in measure, monsters two hundred leagues in measure, monsters three hundred leagues in measure, monsters four hundred leagues in measure, monsters five hundred leagues in measure, so also this Doctrine and Discipline is the abode of mighty beings; therein are the following beings: He-who-has-entered-the-stream, he who has entered the Path of Conversion, he who has entered the Path that leads to the realization of the Fruit of Conversion; He-who-will-be-reborn-but-once, he who has entered the Path that leads to the realization of the Fruit of One-who-will-be-reborn-but-once; He-who-will-be-reborn-no-more, he who has entered the Path that leads to the realization of the Fruit of One-who-will-be-reborn-no-more; the Saint, he who has entered upon Sainthood.
"Inasmuch as this Doctrine and Discipline is the abode of mighty beings; inasmuch as therein are the following beings: He-who-has-entered-the-stream, he who has entered the Path of Conversion, he who has entered the Path that leads to the realization of the Fruit of Conversion; He-who-will-be-reborn-but-once, he who has entered the Path that leads to the realization of the Fruit of One-who-will-be-reborn-but-once; He-who-will-be-reborn-no-more, he who has entered the Path that leads to the realization of the Fruit of One-who-will-be-reborn-no-more; the Saint, he who has entered upon Sainthood, this is the eighth wonderful and marvelous property possessed by this Doctrine and Discipline, perceiving which the monks delight in this Doctrine and Discipline.
"These are the eight wonderful and marvelous properties possessed by this Doctrine and Discipline, perceiving which the monks delight in this Doctrine and Discipline."