On a certain occasion Venerable Sariputta said this to Venerable Mantaniputta:
"Is the religious life lived under our Exalted One?" "Yes."
"Is the religious life lived under the Exalted One for the sake of purity of conduct?" "No indeed."
"Is the religious life lived under the Exalted One for the sake of purity of heart?" "No indeed."
"Is the religious life lived under the Exalted One for the sake of purity of belief?" "No indeed."
"Is the religious life lived under the Exalted One for the sake of purity of certitude?" "No indeed."
"Is the religious life lived under the Exalted One for the sake of purity of insight through knowledge of what is the Way and what is not the Way?" "No indeed."
"Is the religious life lived under the Exalted One for the sake of purity of insight through knowledge of the Path?" "No indeed."
"Is the religious life lived under the Exalted One for the sake of purity of insight through knowledge?" "No indeed."
"Brother, when I ask you: 'Is the religious life lived under the Exalted One for the sake of purity of conduct?--for the sake of purity of heart?--for the sake of purity of belief?--for the sake of purity of certitude?--for the sake of purity of insight through knowledge of what is the Way and what is not the Way?--for the sake of purity of insight through knowledge of the Path?--for the sake of purity of insight through knowledge?'--you say: 'No indeed.' For the sake of what, pray, is the religious life lived under the Exalted One?"
"Brother, the religious life is lived under the Exalted One that we may, through detachment from the things of earth and heaven, attain Supreme Nirvana." "Is purity of conduct detachment,--Supreme Nirvana?" "No indeed."
"Is purity of heart detachment,--Supreme Nirvana?" "No indeed."
"Is purity of belief detachment,--Supreme Nirvana?" "No indeed."
"Is purity of certitude detachment,--Supreme Nirvana?" "No indeed."
"Is purity of insight through knowledge of what is the Way and what is not the Way, detachment,--Supreme Nirvana?" "No indeed."
"Is purity of insight through knowledge of the Path, detachment,--Supreme Nirvana?" "No indeed."
"Is purity of insight through knowledge, detachment,--Supreme Nirvana?" "No indeed."
"Then is some state other than these detachment,--Supreme Nirvana?" "No indeed."
"Brother, when I ask you: 'Does detachment,--Supreme Nirvana, consist of purity of conduct?--of purity of heart?--of purity of belief?--of purity of certitude?--of purity of insight through knowledge of what is the Way and what is not the Way?--of purity of insight through knowledge of the Path?--of purity of insight through knowledge?--of some state other than these?'--you say: 'No indeed.' What interpretation, pray, am I to put on your words?"
"Brother, if the Exalted One had taught that Supreme Nirvana, whose essence is detachment, is purity of conduct,--purity of heart,--purity of belief,--purity of certitude,--purity of insight through knowledge of what is the Way and what is not the Way,--purity of insight through knowledge of the Path,--purity of insight through knowledge,--if, I say, the Exalted One had taught that Supreme Nirvana, whose essence is detachment, is any one of these, the Exalted One might just as well have taught that the essence of Supreme Nirvana is attachment. Moreover, if Supreme Nirvana, whose essence is detachment, were some state other than these, an unconverted person might attain Nirvana, for an unconverted person is in some state other than these.
"Therefore, brother, I will compose a parable for you. Even by a parable does many a man of understanding here in this world comprehend the meaning of a statement.
"Suppose, brother, while King Pasenadi Kosala is residing in Savatthi, some business or other of a pressing nature were to come up, requiring his presence in Saketa, and suppose his men were to place in readiness for him, between Savatthi and Saketa, seven relays of chariots. And, brother, suppose King Pasenadi Kosala were to depart from Savatthi, and at the gate of his palace were to mount the first relay of chariots, and in the first relay of chariots were to go as far as the second relay of chariots. He would dismiss the first relay of chariots and mount the second relay of chariots, and in the second relay of chariots would go as far as the third relay of chariots. In this manner he would go until he reached the seventh relay of chariots. When he reached the seventh relay of chariots, he would dismiss the sixth relay of chariots, mount the seventh relay of chariots, and go in the seventh relay of chariots until he reached Saketa, until he reached the gate of his palace.
"And suppose, when he reached the gate of his palace, his friends and companions, his kinsmen and blood-relatives were to ask him this question: 'Great king, was it in this chariot that you traveled all of the way from Savatthi to Saketa, all of the way to the gate of your palace?' With what manner of answer, brother, would King Pasenadi Kosala answer, were he to answer correctly? With this manner of answer, brother, would King Pasenadi Kosala answer, were he to answer correctly:
"Lo! while I was residing in Savatthi, some business or other of a pressing nature came up, requiring my presence in Saketa. My men placed in readiness for me, between Savatthi and Saketa, seven relays of chariots. So I departed from Savatthi, and at the gate of my palace mounted the first relay of chariots, and in the first relay of chariots came as far as the second relay of chariots. I dismissed the first relay of chariots and mounted the second relay of chariots, and in the second relay of chariots came as far as the third relay of chariots. In this manner came I until I reached the seventh relay of chariots. When I reached the seventh relay of chariots, I dismissed the sixth relay of chariots, mounted the seventh relay of chariots, and came in the seventh relay of chariots until I reached Saketa, until I reached the gate of my palace.
"With this manner of answer, brother, would King Pasenadi Kosala answer, were he to answer correctly.
"Precisely so, brother, purity of conduct leads straight to purity of heart. Purity of heart leads straight to purity of belief. Purity of belief leads straight to purity of certitude. Purity of certitude leads straight to purity of insight through knowledge of what is the Way and what is not the Way. Purity of insight through knowledge of what is the Way and what is not the Way, leads straight to purity of insight through knowledge of the Path. Purity of insight through knowledge of the Path, leads straight to purity of insight through knowledge. Purity of insight through knowledge leads straight to detachment,--Supreme Nirvana.
"Brother, the religious life is lived under the Exalted One that we may, through detachment from the things of earth and heaven, attain Supreme Nirvana."