As the Buddha lay on his death-bed, he addressed Venerable Ananda as follows:
All one mass of blossoms blown, O Ananda, the twin Sal-trees, with flowers out of season, besprinkle, bestrew, overspread, the body of the Tathagata, to the honor of the Tathagata. Moreover heavenly Mandarava flowers fall from the sky; these besprinkle, bestrew, overspread, the body of the Tathagata, to the honor of the Tathagata. Moreover heavenly sandal-powder falls from the sky; this besprinkles, bestrews, overspreads, the body of the Tathagata, to the honor of the Tathagata. Moreover heavenly instruments make music in the sky, to the honor of the Tathagata. Moreover heavenly songs are wafted through the sky, to the honor of the Tathagata.
But, O Ananda, not for all this is the Tathagata revered or reverenced or venerated or honored or esteemed. For, Ananda, whoever, be it monk or nun, be it lay disciple male or female,--whoever always walks according to the Higher and the Lower Law, walks in righteousness, observes the Lower Law,--he reveres, reverences, venerates, honors, the Tathagata with the highest honor.