
Once upon a time the Exalted One was in residence at Savatthi, at Jetavana, in Anatha Pindika's Grove. Now at that time Venerable Nanda, cousin of the Exalted One, son of his mother's sister, informed numerous monks as follows: "In discontent, brethren, am I living the Religious Life; I cannot stand the Religious Life; I intend to renounce the Vows and to return to the lower life, the life of a layman."

Now a certain monk approached the Exalted One; having approached, he saluted the Exalted One and sat down on one side. And as he sat there on one side, that monk said this to the Exalted One: "Reverend Sir, Venerable Nanda, cousin of the Exalted One, son of his mother's sister, informs numerous monks as follows: 'In discontent, brethren, am I living the Religious Life; I cannot stand the Religious Life; I intend to renounce the Vows and to return to the lower life, the life of a layman.'"

Now the Exalted One addressed a certain monk: "Come you, monk, in my name address Nanda the monk: 'The Teacher summons you, brother Nanda.'" "Yes, Reverend Sir," said that monk to the Exalted One. And in obedience to the Teacher's command that monk approached Venerable Nanda. And having approached, he said this to Venerable Nanda: "The Teacher summons you, Venerable Nanda."

"Yes, brother," said Venerable Nanda to that monk. And in obedience to that monk's command he approached the Exalted One. And having approached, he saluted the Exalted One and sat down on one side. And as he sat there on one side, the Exalted One said this to Venerable Nanda: "Is it true, Nanda, as they say, that you said this and that?" "Yes, Reverend Sir." "But, Nanda, what is the matter?"

"Reverend Sir, as I was coming out of the house, my noble wife Belle-of-the-land, with hair half-combed, took leave of me, saying: 'As soon as ever you can, Noble Sir, please come back again.' Reverend Sir, it is because I keep remembering her that I am living the Religious Life in discontent; that I cannot stand the Religious Life; that I intend to return to the lower life, the life of a layman."

Thereupon the Exalted One, taking Venerable Nanda by the arm, just as a strong man might straighten his bent arm or bend his straightened arm, precisely so disappeared from Jetavana and appeared among the gods of the Thirty-three. Now at that time five hundred pink-footed celestial nymphs were come to wait upon Sakka king of gods. Accordingly the Exalted One addressed Venerable Nanda: "Nanda, do you see these five hundred pink-footed celestial nymphs?" "Yes, Reverend Sir." "What is your opinion, Nanda?--Which are the more beautiful and fair to look upon and handsome, your noble wife Belle-of-the-land, or these five hundred pink-footed celestial nymphs?"

"Reverend Sir, as far inferior as is a greedy female monkey with ears and nose cut off to my noble wife Belle-of-the-land, even so far inferior, Reverend Sir, is my noble wife Belle-of-the-land to these five hundred pink-footed celestial nymphs. In comparison with them, she does not even come into the count, she does not even come within a fractional part of them, she cannot even be compared with them. Of course these five hundred pink-footed celestial nymphs are more beautiful and fair to look upon and handsome!"

"Cheer up, Nanda! Cheer up, Nanda! I guarantee that you shall win these five hundred pink-footed celestial nymphs!" "If, Reverend Sir, the Exalted One guarantees that I shall win these five hundred pink-footed celestial nymphs, in that case, Reverend Sir, Exalted One, I shall take the greatest pleasure in living the Religious Life."

Then the Exalted One, taking Venerable Nanda by the arm, just as a strong man might straighten his bent arm or bend his straightened arm, precisely so disappeared from among the gods of the Thirty-three and appeared at Jetavana. Now the monks heard: "It appears that it is in hope of winning celestial nymphs that Venerable Nanda, cousin of the Exalted One, son of his mother's sister, is living the Religious Life. It appears that the Exalted One has guaranteed that he shall win five hundred pink-footed celestial nymphs."

And Venerable Nanda's fellow-monks accosted Venerable Nanda with the epithets "hireling" and "bought-with-a-price," saying: "It appears that Venerable Nanda is a hireling; it appears that Venerable Nanda is one bought with a price. It appears that it is in hope of winning celestial nymphs that Venerable Nanda is living the Religious Life; it appears that the Exalted One has guaranteed that he shall win five hundred pink-footed celestial nymphs."

Now Venerable Nanda, although his fellow-monks despised him, were ashamed of him, and tormented him by calling him "hireling" and "bought-with-a-price," nevertheless, living in solitude, withdrawn from the world, heedful, ardent, resolute, proficient, in no long time, even in this life, himself abode in the knowledge, realization, and attainment of that supreme goal of the Religious Life for the sake of which goodly youths retire once and for all from the house-life to the houseless life. This did he know: "Rebirth is at an end, lived is the Holy Life, duty is done; I am no more for this world." And Venerable Nanda was numbered among the Saints.

Now when the night was past, a certain deity of wondrous beauty approached the Exalted One, illuminating the entire Jetavana. And having approached, he saluted the Exalted One and stood on one side. And as he stood on one side, that deity said this to the Exalted One: "Reverend Sir, Venerable Nanda, cousin of the Exalted One, son of his mother's sister, by extinction of the Contaminations, even in this life, himself abides in the knowledge, realization, and attainment of freedom from the Contaminations, emancipation of the heart, emancipation of the intellect." And there arose within the Exalted One also knowledge of the following: "Nanda, by extinction of the Contaminations, even in this life, himself abides in the knowledge, realization, and attainment of freedom from the Contaminations, emancipation of the heart, emancipation of the intellect."

Now when that night was past, Venerable Nanda approached the Exalted One. And having approached, he saluted the Exalted One and sat down on one side. And as he sat there on one side, Venerable Nanda said this to the Exalted One: "Reverend Sir, I release the Exalted One from the promise which he made when he, the Exalted One, guaranteed that I should win five hundred pink-footed celestial nymphs." "Nanda, I also grasped your mind with my own mind, and saw: 'Nanda, by extinction of the Contaminations, even in this life, himself abides in the knowledge, realization, and attainment of freedom from the Contaminations, emancipation of the heart, emancipation of the intellect.' Likewise a deity informed me of the fact, saying: 'Nanda, by extinction of the Contaminations, even in this life, himself abides in the knowledge, realization, and attainment of freedom from the Contaminations, emancipation of the heart, emanicaption of the intellect.' When, therefore, Nanda, you ceased to cling to the things of the world, and your heart was released from the Contaminations, at that moment I was released from that promise."