Christmas Tree oh Christmas Tree, what wonderous magic
Dost Thou hold for her?
Is it anything like the years that used to be,
That live on in her memory?
Do your branches hide a lump of coal 'cause she doesn't
Deserve any better?
She remembers she didn't give a good behavior report in her
Last Santa Claus letter!
Do the strings of shiny tinsel represent themselves
Tricks of a very much wanted electric train?
Do the flashing lights announce the arrival of a life-
Like baby doll,
With big blue eyes and curly blonde hair, like the one
In their shipping mall?
Does the Jack-in-the-Box pop out of the folds of a
Pair of red Long Johns?
Do the overstuffed, big socks hide a warm, furry muff
Of a box of yummy bon-tons?
No matter what the mystery is it's always fun to
The excitement, the aromas, the conniving all through
The month of December.
The Angels sounding their trumpets, playing carols
Loud and clear,
And everybody wishing everybody PEACE, HAPPY CHRISTMAS