The Christmas season can sometimes be sad
For those children who have no one to call Mommy or Dad.
The season should be filled with that "old Christmas Joy"
But still they see many unhappy girls and boys.
Many are lost, hurt, or alone
Or just need a place that they can call home.
They all long for comfort, love, and attention
Or to come home from school to a warm cozy kitchen.
During her childhood she found it so
That home was the safest place to go.
She feels sorry for those who have nowhere to turn
For there is so much in life that they need to learn.
She wishes there was something more she could do
But with your help, they can make their dreams come true.
If they all take a stand and do their part
And open their hands, their arms, and the hearts,
They can conquer this battle the world is fighting
If they stop all the hunger; stop all the dying.
If the world is so full of compassionate men
Then why aren't the children smiling again?