Today she passed the creek where she showed you the tadpoles and where you
Learned to bait your fish hook, and she remembered the happy hours they
Spent together as you explored your small neighborhood would...
She wishes you would call home.

Today she found one of your kindergarten papers with a "smiley face" on it,
And she remembered the smile on your face when you brought it in and present-
Ed it to her proudly....
She wishes you would call home.

Today she found your high school band jacket and the silver mouthpiece for
Your tuba as she cleaned the guest room closet, and she remembered waiting late
At night on the cold, dark, school parking lot for the band bus to bring you
Back and praying you were safe as the hour got later and later....
She wishes you would call home.

Today she saw in her mind how you looked as you drove away at Christmas
Going back to college, so happy and excited, and she rememebers the scared but
Trying-to-be-so-brave look as she left you on our first day of school....
She wishes you would call home.

Soon, much too soon, you will be out of college, gone to your new job and
Starting your new life--will you remember then that...
She wishes you would call home.