Above, a ball of fire & brightness, the sun streams & sparkles on the water,
Creating jewels of delight--warming their very souls.
Waves--white-tipped, salt-flecked, rolling lazily, one succeeding another,
Greeting the beach, licking at the sandy shore.
The air--its unseen presence perceived by the ting of salt.
White, puffy clouds trace silhouettes against the backdrop of blue--
Gliding on their paths across the sky, everchanging,
Almost the same, yet never truly so.
Umbrellas undulating...beach grasses bending.
Pushed by breezes, will they come & sit a spell--rest a while?
And so uncoil their inner cords,
While the music of the shifting sands soothes them...softens them.
Letting go of that which binds.
And, in their mind's eye, gaze with childlike wonder.
And, so, catch a glimpse of the very
Footprints of Love.